I have been trying to avoid a name game here.
OK here are two that claim to use Graphene in their cables: Courious Technologies - Graphene Matrix and Graphene Extreme; cerioustechnologies.com
Mad Scientist - Flexible Carbon/Graphene madscientist-audio.com
Both covered here on AG in previous threads.
Liquid, semi conductor fluid for conductors - already discussed in this thread
Some cables costing near or in excess of $1K per ft: Audio Quest - WEL Signature @ $7,500.00 ea. for IM. (nearly $2,5K per ft); Audio Quest - Wild Blue Yonder @ $4,500 ea. per 1M (nearly 1.5K per ft.; Purist - Dominus Luminest, speaker cable @ $12,480 for 2.5M pr. ($780. per ft. for ea. cable; Purist - Luminus 30th Aniversity, Power Cord @ $15,000 ea. 1M (nearly $5,000 per ft.
Still waiting to hear what industry, other than HEA, uses $1K per ft signal transfer cable, much less $5,000. per ft. 120v power cords.
I have been trying to avoid a name game here.
OK here are two that claim to use Graphene in their cables: Courious Technologies - Graphene Matrix and Graphene Extreme; cerioustechnologies.com
Mad Scientist - Flexible Carbon/Graphene madscientist-audio.com
Both covered here on AG in previous threads.
Liquid, semi conductor fluid for conductors - already discussed in this thread
Some cables costing near or in excess of $1K per ft: Audio Quest - WEL Signature @ $7,500.00 ea. for IM. (nearly $2,5K per ft); Audio Quest - Wild Blue Yonder @ $4,500 ea. per 1M (nearly 1.5K per ft.; Purist - Dominus Luminest, speaker cable @ $12,480 for 2.5M pr. ($780. per ft. for ea. cable; Purist - Luminus 30th Aniversity, Power Cord @ $15,000 ea. 1M (nearly $5,000 per ft.
Still waiting to hear what industry, other than HEA, uses $1K per ft signal transfer cable, much less $5,000. per ft. 120v power cords.