Arguments devolve on threads to wordsmithing contests

Why is it that so many well-intentioned threads devolve into wordsmithing contests? Is it necessary to argue about the meaning of posts when the language thereof is reasonably clear on its face?
I will come out with the reverse threaded light bulb and stomp to a feverish beat about how great it is......but nobody will be able to use it in their existing sockets. I will blame them for this.
six months later I will introduce a reverse thread adapter that will enhance the original bulb by several orders of magnitude Dilly Dilly
Nah, I think the concept stated in the OP is due mostly to a lot of folks just think they know more than they do. Don Rumsfeld came close to grasping the fundamentals of this in his theory of "known knowns" and "unknown knowns." It hurts your head if you spend more than a few seconds on it
I would guess it boils down to that teeny tiny part of the audiophile brain that thinks he (everybody?) is the only one who knows how to do all things audio correctly.