How much difference will a phono stage upgrade make?

For the past couple of years I’ve slowly been upgrading my audio equipment. I currently have a Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP integrated amplifier, an EAT C-Sharp TT with an Ortofon Quintet Black MC cartridge, and Tannoy Revolution XT 8F speakers. The weak link at this point, it would seem, is my phono stage, which is a Pro-Ject Tube Box DS. All things considered, my system sounds really good to my ears, but I can’t help but wonder what a phono stage upgrade would bring to the table. I’m looking at the Manley Chinook Special Edition MK II, which is a big step up in terms of cost, but I wonder how much better it will actually sound. Has anybody made a similar upgrade, and was there a marked uptick in sound quality?
Oh yeah, the Herron gets pretty good marks from everyone who owns one! Had mine since late last year. Easily the best component I've ever had. Or ever will, probably. Turns out there's a reason why they hardly ever come up used, and go in a flash when they do. My search turned up several people who had heard the various Herron versions go head to head with all the much more expensive supposedly best stages- even the earlier 2, even the original Herron, total match for anything out there. I don't want to diss the others, at this level there are no bad choices. But I did come across several people who said the Herron was better than ... fill in the blank.... and then added, and that wasn't even the current one! So you could get a used one (if you can find one, seriously, not easy- Itried!) and be very, very happy. 

But, why buy used? Why not just give Keith a call? I'm sure he'll be happy to build you one. He builds them to last, with fanatical obsession to detail.

How much difference can it make? Might want to check out my review. My wife heard it through a closed door! Cannot recommend enough. 
Before you buy another preamp would you consider rolling tubes? That's another avenue to explore. 
I had a project tube box, I think it was the tube box S. It was okay, but there was a noticeable improvement when I replaced that with a jolida jd9. The musical surroundings Nova phonomena was also an improvement over the tube box. My most dramatic improvement was upgrading from the jd9 to a Manley Chinook. After reading this thread tonight I swapped out the Chinook for my parks puffin just for kicks. The parks puffin compares very nicely to the Chinook and the puffin is only $400.
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Anyone compared directly Allnic 1201 or 1202 with the Manley and Sutherland phonos ? Yeah, comparing tube stages with solid state may create additional difficulties, can be just very different.
I am asking because I have Acoustech designed by Sutherland and thinking ahead. Almost certainly will go after tube phono, almost..