RadioParadise streaming FLAC

Any RadioParadise listeners on here?  RP recently announced lossless FLAC streaming through their  mobile apps and their Apple Desktop application.  There is no Lossless streaming URL at this time.

I normally stream it through the RP 320acc URL to a Wyred4Sound 96K moded SONOS Connect then coax to an external DAC.    I just connected up an old AppleTV and redirected the desktop RP application to the AppleTV for some A/B testing, also set the app to lossless.  But the desktop app is not the same track as the URL and I have been sick the last few days and my head feels like a balloon so A/B testing is suboptimal to say the least. 

Anyone else messing around with this?

@lg1,  Thanks for the info.  I cannot get it to play so I will email Aurender for help.  Their Conductor App has a tab to stream to the Aurender from my iPad but it is not working.  I must have a setting that is not set correctly.  Thanks. 
I enabled iPad to Aurender streaming and started Radio Paradise and selected FLAC Streaming.  It started but I had no sound.  I checked everything and it seems okay.  I went back to the Aurender and played a Tidal song with no problem.  I returned to the Aurender, enabled the connection, started RP and still no sound coming thru the system.

Aurender support advises “try switching over to the “N10-xxxx USB” airplay target (the other “N10” per your your screen shot)”.    Busy tonight and will test on Wednesday.   Getting close, I hope.

I just got an email from Bill Goldsmith regarding streaming FLAC.  RP is working on a simple stream URL and also an API that supports song skip and other features.  So stay tuned.