Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
Some others not mentioned that may be worth looking into.

Magnum Dynalab MD 309. This is a hybrid design. This one at least one great review.

Hegel H200. This one was the TAS component of the year for 2011.

Chapter Audio Precis 250S- compact nice looking. Has a class D amplification stage.

Leema Acoustics Element.

Canor Audio TP 106 VR- This is another nice look integrated and is hybrid design. They use the 6550 tubes.

Anyone heard the above integrated amps?
I had auditioned the Magnum Dynalab MD 309 in my home for 10 days, as I had a friend who owned it and he ''insisted'' I try it out.

Well, to keep things polite, Magnum should stick to tuners.And since tuners are pretty much ''out'' - what is for them to do except try to expand in other (and new to them) directions? This is about as far-removed as I can get from my idea of the best integrated out there.

The light show looks kind of ridiculous, while I found the sound to be sterile and not involving, unfortunately. For the price, ouch! Who are we kidding here?
What about the Lindemann 885 Integrated Power Amplifier?

The 885 amp is comprised of two entirely separate amplifiers which are housed together in one unit. The only connection between the two channels is at the power socket. Each channel is equipped with a 500-watt transformer all of its own. The amplifier is a fully balanced stereo integrated amplifier with dual mono supplies. I believe the price is about $11,900.

I have never heard this unit but it looks very interesting (except for the price). Any comments?
If you do not limit yourself to solid state only, I would recommend you to look into:

1. Sophia Electric 126S tube integrated amplifier, plenty of power to drive speakers above 86dB, and with very magical tube flavor and lush tube sound. The Price is reasonable for its looks and performance.

2. Sophia Electric 91-03 300B tube integrated amplifier for those who has more efficient speakers(two way speakers above 88 dB).

Amplifier Information is at Email me if you have interests or questions.
