Here's a marketing ploy to consider..
Some relatively lower profile upstart company anounces the tenative arrival of a product that simply sounds too good to be true! The price for this proposed product is redicoulously attractive (low) This product, of course, willl offer all the bells and gadgets. It's being played up as audiophile grade, affordable to the masses - the answer to all your av needs. And many take the hook, and decide to wait it out for it to show up on the market. And while this much anticipated and hyped product is in the process of "coming soon to a market near you", the same company up and offers a rather attractive deal to those who plan to purchasing this product, whenever it becomes available. This deal could, say, be that if you purchase one or more of our amplifiers and/or speaker systems, at some modestly discounted price (cleaverly marked down already on sale), when the piece - which everyone has been eagerly anticipating -eventually becomes available, they will offer that "leader product" to those existing customers at another 50% off the already low low price!!
The company inturn sells the hell out of all their amps and speaker systems, all to those who are expecting this "end-all-be-all" product to eventually show up!
Of course, the piece never actually materializes. The company then shuts it's doors, and re-organizes under another name, and starts the same joke all over again.
Hey, I'm just saying it could happen...