Who Here Makes Their Own Power Cables?

I love making cables for my guitars, amps etc. and I want to build two+ cables for my Mac pre and my future power amp... any thoughts?
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Sometimes yes and sometimes no depending on how the wire was produced. 

You must listen and test for audible changes.  So your ears determine as always. 

I hope I pass and not flunk out. 
Whoa! You mean there are other ways of producing wire other than drawing it through a die?
Guess I flunked. I use a lot of Duelund stranded and tinned copper wire in cotton for ICs, speaker cables, USB and DC cables. No markings on this Duelund wire. The newer 600v 12 gauge bulk wire for power cords has printing on it. Heck if I have detected a difference in sound in any of Duelund wire in one direction or the other. 

Gets complicated as break in also plays a role.  
Just because there are no arrrows 🔜 doesn’t mean a wire or cable isn’t directional. They’re all directional.

Hey, granny, from somewhere in cyberspace,

Exhibit A

“Duelund VSF Capacitors are indeed great, but what most uses don’t realize is they are very much directional. In one direction they will sound disjointed, rough, strangely unmusical less involving, the frequency curve does not sound flat and lacking the usual lovery fullness in the lower midrange. I must say i could not stand them in the wrong orientation, they can go from magnificent to ordinary just by flipping the cap around. What is amazing is that no one seems to have even fingered this out, so much for these supposed experts who tell us what to buy regarding internal components. Even resistors (most if not all), are directional and that direction change does not mean it sounds bad, just different.”