A Shockingly Straightforward Query

Good morning to the Community!  I am in the market for new amplifiers and have it narrowed down to the Bob Carver 350s or the Theta Prometheus.  The selected amps will be driving a pair of Martin Logan 11A speakers.   I have heard that the Carver monoblocks are a good fit for my speakers but am still impressed with the Prometheus. 

I am intentionally excluding the rest of my gear as I simply don’t want to make this question more complex than it already is.  In addition, the option to audition these amps is not feasible.   

PLEASE – no haters or flamers!

So, Carver or Theta?  Thanks and a great weekend to all!!

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I have personally owned a few Carver amplifiers but not his latest tube efforts.  I am also a current Martin Logan (Montis, which was replaced in the line up by your 11As, so very similar) owner.  I think you need to be very careful pairing a tube amplifier with ESL panels.  The impedance mismatch is known to roll off the high end.  When I first got my MLs, I was using Wyred4sound amplification.  I did not particularly care for class D with them.  Just my $.02, but I would be inclined to look elsewhere, especially if you do not have the opportunity to try them first.  The Martin Logans are possibly a little more picky about amplification than other speakers.
Carver warrants tubes for 5 years and stats like the voltage of tube amps, Carver monos is my vote.
I have the Carver Crismon 350 monoblocks.
mac 2600 tube pre with SF Olympica 3s.
Carvers are wonderful. Clear, smooth and detailed. 
I sold my solid state 300x2 two days after getting them. 

Since you can't audition either one then the choice is simple: buy the one you can return no questions asked.

If neither one can be returned then the choice is even easier: keep looking.