I’ve detected little change in SQ when the thin NDM discs are applied to the top loader surface. The top loader has nearly a 100% surface of uniform blackish grey color. Only the spindle and laser track cutout (only narrow enough to accommodate the laser assembly track) is “open” area to the inside of the transport. I’ll remove the disks after a few listening sessions to see whether the SQ changed.
I strongly suspect these NDM discs will work better at improving SQ for a front loader, as the typical CD tray has a huge cutout upon which the CD sits on the perimeter. I’d imagine all the laser light reflections, deflections and diffractions are escaping though that large cutout gap in the tray and bouncing off interior electronics boards inside the player. I’ll be testing my Oppo front loader Blu-ray player with these NDM discs next.
I strongly suspect these NDM discs will work better at improving SQ for a front loader, as the typical CD tray has a huge cutout upon which the CD sits on the perimeter. I’d imagine all the laser light reflections, deflections and diffractions are escaping though that large cutout gap in the tray and bouncing off interior electronics boards inside the player. I’ll be testing my Oppo front loader Blu-ray player with these NDM discs next.