What are the weak points of Pass amps and pre-amps ?

Though there are perhaps better transistor amps, but Pass seems to be an excellent choice for many.
What is your experience with them, if you could elaborate ? Integrateds as well.

Gotcha, really looks like a whole lot of useless space and words to me.  No idea what it has to do with Pass Labs...
I have owned a number of Pass Amps and pre-amps, as well as several First Watt Amps.

Right now I have a xa30.8, and x20 pre and x10 phono.

Every Pass amp and pre amp I've owned has sounded a bit different, but they've all sounded excellent.

The people at Pass are great to deal with, as is Mark from Reno Hi-Fi ( where I've purchased all my Pass equipment).

I suppose there is better equipment, but I would say that if you are not satisfied with the sound of Pass then you will likely not be satisfied with anything.

Of course this is just one man's opinion, but I think it's a valid one.

I remember running a Yamaha 1970s CA 1000 integrated amp with 15 watts Class A switch.  It got rather warm but it did sound superior to the Class A/B 70 watts (about).  The 15 watts sounded more musically involving, smoother and quieter than Class A/B.  

I own an EAR 890 which is 70 watts Class A.  It gets burning hot on the chassis and transformers after 30 minutes. 

I now use a pair of monoblock 130 watt tube amps running Class A/B.  It is a voltage regulated design which runs so cool that after 2 hours, you can place your hand on the transformers which are merely warm.  Plus the sound is superior to the EAR 890.  

I don't think there is an advantage running Class A over Class A/B, depending on design.  The cost of powering Class A and the heat are definitely a consideration.
Owned Spectral electronics for 20 years. Hyper detailed, bright, finicky about setup, the latest SV30 pre amp did not want to play well with my Manley Steelhead or Pass XOno phonostages, DMA 360 amps had a large "thump" at turn on.

Switched to Pass in 2016, Extremely happy with Pass.

Pair of XA160.8s and XP20 linestage.

Dead Quiet. No thumps, buzzes, hums, plays well with others.

All the detail that the Spectral had, but smoother, a little warmer sound, Bass is better, deeper, more textured. Mid range is closer to Live. Highs are not bright and harsh. Can enjoy for long listening sessions.

Yes, they do run warm, but not a problem at my place. At my dealer, in his large, but closed room, it gets stuffy. At 140 lbs. each, they are staying where they are.

Better equipment out there? Of course, to each individuals preferences. Pick what you like. For me, the Pass gear is a bargain and hassle free. Do not see myself looking for better gear. I am off the merry-go- round.