Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Never mind, I have my answer. They maybe old like me but wow I'm impressed! I can actually hear a real improvement. Having tried AQ, Transparent,  Kimber, JW, Monster, Blue Jean and some I can't remember these Tara labs really make my system sing. Best I've tried, very impressive. I guess there is something to be said for synergy.Think I'll  hang on to these.
@ gillatgh, Hi,  Sorry I  just getting back here, I have been boxing audio equipment,  posting ads, etc.. I'm glad you are enjoying those old entry level Tara cable's,  been along time since I seen those, l still have in my collection the very first built Tara Lab's cable's,  it's history,  they sound good for what they are,  cheers. 
@Audio labyrinth
Thank you for your reply. They are indeed old but really must have been pretty good in their day as my system is liking them a lot. Heck, the system electronics are also old. I'm thrilled with the sound. Looked at their newer line, but it's out of line in my case. I'll just sit back, relax and enjoy.
I have had the Tara Lab's cobalt reference power cord a few month's now, I believe it's fully broken in now,  an improvement over the original Tara Lab's cobalt power cord,  at $8,000.00 retail,  bigger sound stage in all directions, a wonderful sounding power cable. 
I sold the Luxman L-509X integrated amplifier,  I'm in the process of auditioning different amplifier's and integrated amplifier's.