Waiting to hear an update on this. There have been a few similar threads recently on tubs vs SS for Martin Logan. I am in the SS camp but admit I have not tried tubes with the MLs. Also smills59, what speaker cables are you using?
Looking for great tube integrated for Martin Logan Summit X speakers
I've had upgrade fever every since I added bass traps and acoustic panels to my listening room and wondered why I didn't do that years ago. So I've decided to change my Plinius Hautonga integrated and make the plunge to tubes. I want that sound, and the thought of tube rolling appeals to me. I was leaning toward the Primaluna Dialogue HP integrated, but after doing more reading, I'm concerned that it won't have adequate power due to the Summit's impedance needs. I'm admittedly a novice with tubes, so seeking help from the forum. My room is about 12x15, with the area behind my listening position open for an additional eight feet. I don't listen at high volumes at all, and my favorite music is female jazz, smooth jazz, Nora Jones type vocals. Music comes from SACDs and Tidal exclusively - I have no analogue gear.
The rest of my gear:
Appreciate your opinions!
The rest of my gear:
- Gustard x20u DAC modified by Rick Schultz
- Oppo 103D for SACDs modified by Rick Schultz
- Bryston BDP-1 music streamer
Appreciate your opinions!
- ...
- 78 posts total
Still listening to them, but here is a quick update: Sanders: No doubt this amp has the power and also is beautiful to listen to. I would say that is is much more detailed and refined, bringing out every sound with more clarity than the PL. There are no negatives to it, except for the price to me. I started out looking for an integrated amp to replace my Plinius, but the Sanders would require a preamp, which is not in my budget right now. I could make it work, but is the Sanders $2500 better than the PL? Or do I like it that much more than the PL? That's the question I'm trying to answer right now. Primaluna Dialogue HP Integrated: I do love the PL. Like tablejocky above, I don't hear an impedance issue like georgehifi warns about above - and I do appreciate the warning. I read more about the PL, and they claim that the power is ample for the ML Summit X because they are relatively efficient, and that their "massively overbuilt output transformers produce more than enough juice for" my speakers. To me, they seem to be correct. I would say that the PL has more punch than Sanders, the sound is more intense, while the Sanders is more laid back. I'm pretty sold on the PL except for one element that is bugging me: Listening to some tracks, there seems to be a "crackle" or overly expressed crackle when the artist uses a "T" as in Vermont, or a "C" in some pieces. The Sanders did this too, but it was not as pronounced as in the PL. It's not a BIG issue, but now I'm focused on it. This happens in triode or linear modes, and really only when listening to SACD, which I do a lot. It's almost as if the Sanders presented this less loud and in more detail, and the PL because they are tubes, can't do that. The PL now has about 125 hours of operation, so should be fairly broken in.I don't think this is the impedance thing showing its ugly head, but perhaps someone else can offer an opinion. Anyone have an opinion about this? THanks! |
"crackle" smills59- Perhaps. imperfection of the recording. Just as you may hear exaggerated "S" in others? I notice this occasionally in my system. I have confirmed it being the recording, by playing suspect record at a show/dealer, at it’s heard on the "$$$SYSTEM" The best systems seem to only distract you because of everything else being so good. I’ve heard plenty of speakers with the PL. ML’s to me,sound amazing to me. Same goes for horns, also many of the usual suspects talked about here. It’s really a personal preference, since the PL will mate with just about every speaker on the market. Notice I didn’t write ALL. If you keep the PL, fine tuning is achieved thru the inner gain tubes, power tubes and power cable. The power cable thing is yet another contentious subject which starts wars here. |
"T" "C" "S" are all sibilant sounds, as I said in a link above the hard areas for an with the Summits are 5khz to 20khz (the sibilance area) and again 3.5khz (presence area of the mids). And the Prima Luna has a very odd high frequency boost in the top end which I believe to be output transformer oscillation which could very well exaggerate "sibilance". https://www.stereophile.com/images/1214PLDPIfig01.jpg Cheers George |
- 78 posts total