Legendary Johnny Winter Dies at 70

Johnny died July 16 in Switzerland.
Thanks for sharing your soul Johnny.
i never got too much into the white bloozrock thing--too many technically proficient gunslingers w/o the soul of their influences. jw, however, really did have the feel--he's the one guy who could make done-to death old songs sound fresh. + highway 61 is the best ever dylan cover.
Did not hear this sad news...but he's been ill for a long while with various ailments. "Mean Town Blues" is the best live track in rock ever laid down. No kidding.
Johnny loved the Blues,in fact he tried to get away from what made him popular Rock n Roll. He started Blue Sky Records and produced and guided Muddy Waters career and in the process earned two Grammy's for Best Blues recording two years in a row.
He recorded with all the Blues greats and was adopted into their click,he was beloved by all who worked with him and he was ripped off blind by management for over a decade.
RIP Johnny Guitar.
I recently purchased "Second Winter" on Speakers Corner in honor of Johnny.

In comparison to my well worn but still great sounding 1A copy, the original is more open, wider soundstage, more bloom/air. Sonically speaking, they are both very similar however. The addition of three songs on side 4 (speakers corner) cut at 45 rpm are welcome. The only difference I can hear is greater emphasis on the bass guitar and drums. This record has easily identifiable bass guitar.

I consider Johnny Winter the blues equivalent to Jimi Hendrix. What an excellent master of the guitar and his ability to express the meaning of the songs he played!