On Audio Circle a guy named Joshk tells of anchoring his 58 inch panny plasma into bricks above his fireplace. The whole mess crashed and was destroyed.
He's selling a large, high dollar swivel mount at a big discount if you are interested.
By the way, the V-10 is the same display as the G-10. Only differences involve cinema playback and calibration versatility. I bought G-10 because I don't value those things enough to justify the $800 difference. I must be losing my anality as I age.
He's selling a large, high dollar swivel mount at a big discount if you are interested.
By the way, the V-10 is the same display as the G-10. Only differences involve cinema playback and calibration versatility. I bought G-10 because I don't value those things enough to justify the $800 difference. I must be losing my anality as I age.