Buy LED, LCD or Plasma

Going for a new TV. Any hints, warnings or advice? It will go over the fireplace instead of the rug there now.
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Anyone know if Pioneer or someone else is going to supply parts for these TVs they no longer make? Not that many people actually repair electronics these days, but something to consider.

Anyhow that Panasonic S1 is a good choice. Samsung and the odd LG model are pretty good too.
No, that is why anyone should buy the KRP-500 or 600 while they still can. I would have bought any Pioneer still available over the Pany if you are real serious about video.
"Not that many people actually repair electronics these days, but something to consider."

Yes it is. Best Buy has repair facility that is able to replace bad parts (fixed my CRT TV). The problem is that boards are SMT and ICs are very difficult or impossible to replace. Only way to fix it is to replace whole board that might be not available after a while.
Is Plasma pretty quiet these days? I have one of the older Plasma from Sony back when Sony was still building Plasma based TV, and there is noticeable buzz when the TV is on. I heard the newer Plasma displays are quieter. Are they as quiet as LCD TV?