A Shockingly Straightforward Query

Good morning to the Community!  I am in the market for new amplifiers and have it narrowed down to the Bob Carver 350s or the Theta Prometheus.  The selected amps will be driving a pair of Martin Logan 11A speakers.   I have heard that the Carver monoblocks are a good fit for my speakers but am still impressed with the Prometheus. 

I am intentionally excluding the rest of my gear as I simply don’t want to make this question more complex than it already is.  In addition, the option to audition these amps is not feasible.   

PLEASE – no haters or flamers!

So, Carver or Theta?  Thanks and a great weekend to all!!

Since you can't audition either one then the choice is simple: buy the one you can return no questions asked.

If neither one can be returned then the choice is even easier: keep looking.
  Bob Carver 350s or the Theta Prometheus. The selected amps will be driving a pair of Martin Logan 11A speakers.

"MartinLogan doesn’t publish impedance, phase-angle or frequency response curves for this speaker. However, they do state that their impedance dips significantly at higher frequencies. This low impedance, (0.6 ohms at 20KHz) with a corresponding increase in phase-angle suggests that amplifiers that aren’t stable into low impedances shouldn’t be used.
MartinLogan’s online FAQs recommend an amplifiers that doubles in wattage between eight and four ohms and again increases its wattage at two ohms. This would seem to eliminate most amplifiers from consideration."

 This tells you what sort of amp to look for, and it's not tubes, if you want to extract the very best out of these speakers.
But if your happy with "a bit of a compromise" the the Carver tubes will be fine.

Cheers George  

Thanks to all!

George - I'm not happy with "a bit of compromise" at all.  Are you thinking something along the lines of Pass Labs monoblocks? 

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an10490413, for what its worth, I use Pass Labs amplification with my Montis (INT-150).  I'm sure many others will work as well.