Looking for great tube integrated for Martin Logan Summit X speakers

I've had upgrade fever every since I added bass traps and acoustic panels to my listening room and wondered why I didn't do that years ago.  So I've decided to change my Plinius Hautonga integrated and make the plunge to tubes. I want that sound, and the thought of tube rolling appeals to me.  I was leaning toward the Primaluna Dialogue HP integrated, but after doing more reading, I'm concerned that it won't have adequate power due to the Summit's impedance needs.  I'm admittedly a novice with tubes, so seeking help from the forum.   My room is about 12x15, with the area behind my listening position open for an additional eight feet.  I don't listen at high volumes at all, and my favorite music is female jazz, smooth jazz, Nora Jones type vocals.  Music comes from SACDs and Tidal exclusively - I have no analogue gear.

The rest of my gear:
  • Gustard x20u DAC modified by Rick Schultz
  • Oppo 103D for SACDs modified by Rick Schultz
  • Bryston BDP-1 music streamer
Will I be happy with the Primaluna, or do you have other suggestions in the $5,000 range?  Or should I stay away from tubes for these speakers?

Appreciate your opinions!

Technically, you may be right, but we all have to judge with our ears and for all of us this is a continuing journey not a one-and-done.

Not when someone could dump money on this https://ibb.co/NZLXFcf  that has no chance of getting the very best out of the Summits.

It’s better if the do-gooders that can’t decipher measurement, not to say anything if not sure when speakers as hard as these to drive are in the discussion. You’ll just waist the OP’s time and money!!!!!

So some of the tubers may eventually come to agree with your point of view, but they’ll do it when they’re ready.
Really!!! throw money at it and don’t get it right at first is your moto?
I like that photo, George!  Are you trying to say that I shouldn't rely on the manufacturer's responses?  I understand that to some degree, but they are both reputable manufacturers/distributors and thus should know their products and speak the truth.  If they did not, their reputations would suffer all over the internet, hurting their sales as well.  I totally get what the charts are showing, but perhaps listening critically is the best overall indicator of whether something works or it doesn't.
George, no that's not my motto.  If someone reads the arguments against using a tube amp with their speakers, gets a ss amp made for those speakers and a tube amp, compares them in his system and decides he likes the tube amp better, I'm not going to argue with him about it.  Life is too short.
Are you trying to say that I shouldn’t rely on the manufacturer’s responses?
They are wanting to sell an amp, it will work, but it won't get the best out of the Summits.

What you should do instead of wasting time and money seeing now your going around in circles.
Is to ask Martin Logan what amp out of the three PL , Rogue, and Sanders will drive the Summits to their best sound possible seeing your stuck on these.
And then ask them what amps they have heard that get the very best out of them, then you’ll get an idea of what you’ll need, instead of listening to the non technical on what can drive this hard impedance and capacitive loading.

Cheers George
Sorry, I thought I'd shared that already.  I did call Martin Logan about tube amps, but not specific brands or tube vs solid-state.  Their response was very non-committal, probably because they do not want to give a recommendation for specific brands.  All they shared was that the amplifier needs to have enough amps and current to drive the speakers.  Not much help there, unfortunately.