Your ship just came in! time to buy new gear..?


uncle Arch and Aunt Tilly while on Safari were devoured by hungry Hippos and you alone were named in their will to receive all the available funds in their joint bank accounts which amounts to $56K.

It can be spent on Audio without worries elsewhere in the home, on transportation, or towards family needs.

to over come your grief you decide to buy something audio related.

what component, (LIMIT 2 different items!) aspect, desire, or area gets the money?

BTW, you don’t have to spend every penny of it but the investment has to be aimed at NO more than two different areas, facets, or applications in audio recreation.

is it time to try out some of those $25K per, ICs, and or power cords?

try a handful of those $8K ea., modular rack/amp stands?

commission a head phone designer to make you the best pair of HPs he or she can make for $50k?

contract to build a room addition that will enable near perfect room acoustics?

hire Lady Ga Ga and Tony Benet to perform privately for you.

or be some what less imaginative perhaps and just upgrade this and or that in the existing system?



Merrill Audio Element 118 GaN mono blocks  $36,000/pr.

Magnepan 20.7 speakers                                $14,450/pr.
                                  Grand Total  with tax =   $53,981.50

    Per the well known and time honored tradition of rewarding hippos that consume relatives that have you included in their wills, I'd convert all left over cash into steaks as a thank you for having my aunt and uncle over to their home for a meal.

its tuff!

... and pursuing a maximum of 2 different things ensures it will be.

in this instance, even the Govt. is gonna let you aleviate your grief and wait a bit longer for their money.

Thanks but the Hippos do not seem to be experiencing any negative side effects from ordering off the menu.

I like the way you think!

thanks for keeping it to just two items as well.

I thought this thread as a slam dunk 'pick em' deal, until I got to thinking a bit deeper into it.

suddenly you can do something you were unable to do previously. perhaps ever!

maybe, never again!

act and think outside the box for a change?

shoot for that one thing you likely can't ever afford?

try to stretch the dollars on the preowned mkt and nab a couple upscale items?

but which ones?

then I thought it the perfect time to build a dedicated room for listening and or home entertainment.

then came 'bucket list' stuff.

bare in mind then too, what if there is no substantial system in place already? or 'everything' is dated in your rig?

it gets harder to choose.

ad in how quickly tech is advancing in just about every aspect of high end audio and deciding how and where to drop that wad gets still tougher.

blow it all on one IYO great item and you are then chained to it and if bought new, you get to eat the big chunk of depreciation later when you decide to sell it.

if maximizing value and using the used mkt, then which pairs line up in your sights?
Source and amps?

Amps and Speakers?

just speakers?

speakers and source?
etc, etc, etc.

the Hippos had a much easier choice.
The 'two items' limit is an artificial and arbitrary construct. I do what I want with my money.  ;-)