When the Audio Critic was subjective.

I was reading through this old issue of TAC and it is quite amazing to see how subjective Peter Aczel was in his earlier days before the "all amplifiers sound the same" kick.  Yes I know he didn't say exactly that, but you know what I mean. 
I think I liked the magazine much better when he presented a more balanced combination of measurements and subjective listening. 

Aczel was also the first to publish a comprehensive chart for determining proper alignment for a wide range of tonearm lenghts, stylus-to-pivot distance, offset angles and overhang distances. This chart was for the Baerwald alignment. And he discussed VTF and stylus rake angle, along with the importance of stylus shapes (conical, elliptical, Shibata ...) for maximizing music retrieval from those vinyl grooves!
After the arrival in 1983 of the CD he abandoned the LP as a reference source. Aczel called LP playback "buggy whip" technology and embraced digital sources as music's future. Naturally this engendered much hate from the analog uber-alles crowd!
I would best describe Peter Aczel as a rationalist regarding music and its various storage/playback methods over the decades. He would always want to know "why" and questioned established dogma regarding music systems!
I would best describe Peter Aczel as a rationalist ... He would always want to know "why" and questioned established dogma regarding music systems
Actually, Aczel created his own personal brand of dogma. That was his problem.
+1 Cleeds
Most reviewers do that. Its the readers choice to line up with who values their particular dogma.