Thiel cs2.4 upgrade to cs 2.4 se

I'm currently using thiel cs2.4. Any master can advise on how to upgrade to cs2.4se by changing its capacity? May i know the value and specs of the capacitors? What is the sound difference between cs2.4 vs dc2.4se? Tq
But if you're going outboard, you will have to modify the binding posts to bi-wire anyway.
I don't follow this. Why would you not be able to choose either single *or* dual binding posts? Why would outboard eliminate a solution with a single BP?

I intend, in the coming weeks, to compare biwire using identical runs of cables to single cable plus jumpers.
I don't follow this. Why would you not be able to choose either single *or* dual binding posts? Why would outboard eliminate a solution with a single BP?

If you have an outboard xo, then you would need two separate wire runs from the outboard - one for the coax and one for the bass driver.  Therefore you would need one pair of binding posts for the coax and one for the bass driver to connect the wires from the outboard.  Otherwise how else could you connect the wires going to the drivers?
Of course! I didn't think it through! My plan for single posts on the cabinet would require a second pair of boards - lol
if you like the Goldmund sound- check out the new 590 Telos Integrated amp. Keep me posted on your situation and amp status.Happy Listening!
Finally, i managed to find time sending it for service. It needs some time for checking and servicing. Will provide further update when it is ready.