Vandersteen 7 mark ll or big Kef blades

I am considering a pair of one  of these.  Anybody have any suggestions , comments, recommendations?
well we certainly both worked for a living...I was no 13 year old child prodigy....I still have the MC240 and MX110 Z that showed up at our house in 1965....

we sold Wilson...and Quad, and Acoustat, and Kef, and Infinity, and Beveridge, and Vandersteen, and ADs, Gale, KEF, a line of kits w custome filters, etc....we made do with a 8 showroom Brownstone, 3 stories...for a time Pasquale Grado lived upstairs, until we converted his flat into another soundroom...

but, I went on to do other run perhaps the largest advanced technology composite shops and development labs on the planet..think B2, F-22, 787...... easy stuff..

which is why I know that Kevlar is just one kind of carbon fiber....

my AMT   comment was plainly aimed at Quad, not Legacy...a brand I think is quite fine. Quad , like the new Thiel has strayed far from the to speak...I use the ESl-63 and will use them for a midrange reference, one of many...yes we worship in many tents..

now, I think I understand you associate phase with time and phase correct. The out of phase behavior we are talking about w pistonic drivers is due to breakup modes in the driver, which is different than a filter which w steep slopes shifts phase.

So cone breakup in or near the passband is 100% trash and distortion...which is why the German company developed the laser scanner - not to help Just vandersteen but to help anyone seeking the truth about just what the cone is doing....

well, I am off to pattern a Turkey kevlar in the stock....

A speaker that can handle peaks cleanly at 110 db from listening 12 feet away is the primary decision maker for me. Give me a good set of horns, any day. Now, this is ME. An individual, a specific type of listener. I do not expect, nor would expect, everyone of us to want the same things in a sound system. This is the BS of it all. Rather than combat the fanboy vs fanboy attitude, let us all admit that there are a vast amount of listeners, a vast amount of equipment, and...… each his / her own. I have been saying this forever. Music reproduction in our homes should be a fun and engaging pass time. You adults, who I do admire from your posts and readings, need to stop and realize it is adolescent and comedic to continue your bantering. Can't we all be friends ? Enjoy ! MrD.

Guys and Ladies, please back off and slow down.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a dealer expressing his/her opinions about products.  Regardless of whether he/she sells said product.

I have read many time Audiotroy's posts and not one time did I  read anything that led me to believe that they were slighting other products.  As a matter of fact, I found their information informative to say the least.  The same thing one might hear when you say.... go into particular dealerships. 

I particularly like Vandersteen 7s.  I've heard them many times at shows and also at Randy's Optimal Enchantment in Santa Monica, CA.  I have also heard the Blades.  I wasn't impressed with the sound from the Blades, but I believe that could have been the appurtenant  equipment and/or room at the particular show.  They weren't bad at all, just too many people talking, and the music wasn't to my taste either.  But, that is what you get at shows.  No wait, I'm wrong. There was one show  where the Blades were demo'd and the sound was actually impressive.  So there.

Anyway, at Optimal Enchantment, I heard the Vandy 7's with Audio Research REF 10 pre-amp, REF 10 phono stage, REF 250 SE amps  and a stupidly expensive (extremely top-of-the-line) Basis turntable/arm/cartridge set up where for the very first time in my many decades of Engineering and audio, the system actually disappeared completely.  It was wonderful.

As with any high-end piece of equipment, I recommend an in-home demonstration.  Most reputable dealers in your particular service territory will allow such in-home demonstrations after you give them your  credit card information.  For speakers that costs this much, as far as I'm concerned, this is absolutely mandatory.

Anyway, please stop the attacks. Other than the personal attacks, the posts I'm reading are offering opinions based on knowledge and/or experience and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  If a dealer decides to sell particular products and not others, that really is something that I would like to know and why.

But, not once, did I seen a bashing of Vandersteen in the posts.  I did see that it may not have been their cup of tea, but that is true for many of us.  so what?

let it go.

If I could afford Vandersteen 7's, I would grab them.  I would have to demo the Blades a few more times, but KEF makes some great gear, so yes, they would be on my short list.

Personally, I believe that speakers are the  hardest audio item for purchase.  So, many variables. 

When/if I decide to change, I'm not looking forward to that process/decision.  However, I would definitely want to hear from various dealers as to their opinions about products they carry and products they don't carry. 

It is still my responsibility to go around and demo the equipment.  But knowledgeable, informed opinions actually help.


I hope audigon is listening but I actively stopped posting about 6 months ago mainly due to Audiotroy taking over many of the threads that interests me. I would not be surprised if there are others who feel the same. It’s not fun anymore. I personally don’t have anything against them but I would rather participate with members and not read dealers consistently defending themselves. Btw, where is Troy? He seem like a good chap. He doesn’t say anything. Hahaha