Modern Shahinian Obelisk

I have an itch to try some modern Obelisks; I have a set of older ones (the model with the large fabric midrange dome) and they are getting tired. I'm a little afraid of the latest model with metal domes, I have yet to hear a metal driver I like. What are poples experience with the latest Obelisks?
Rpfef, don't get me going on Hawks-Diapasons for that matter! I can see where the Hawk would provide maybe a bit better midrange just due to the use of bigger mid drivers, and also the rake of the top cabinet giving some options there, but the Obelisk aren't lacking much overall for me. Very happy with mine, overjoyed would be putting it mildly.

I can also see the benefit possibly of the bass driver being moved up on the cabinet face, might give a bit smoother output in that location versus being so low to the floor on the Obs, but then again, their probably is more design goals that went into those placements I would think for reasons.

I agree Map, so many people seem to not want to take the time to at least try any of the omni units for whatever reason, and some that do, I dod not think they give it enough time for their ears to somewhat adjust to the differences in presentation and sluff them off all too quickly. I do realize, they certainly are not for everyone, but they sure can work well in rooms that are otherwise tough.

My Obs can be put within a foot of the wall behind them and still sound very good, as long as they aren't close to corners, it is do-able. But they sure like to be out in the open, well away from boundaries/walls. Good room treatments can go a long way with any speaker, and omnis are no exception.

Have had my Obelisks in the main setup for a couple months, this weekend I might bring the Larsen Model 4's out and put them in for awhile, see how all goes. With either speaker there, I have that gloriously open, wide and deep soundstage, no sweet-spot here!

Good to hear from other Omni lovers, enjoy! Tim

Why should I not 'get you going' on Hawks and Diapasons?
I, for one, would not at all object to hearing your thoughts on them.
I myself have never heard Diapasons nor the new Obelisks and, though the basic designs have been unchanged over the years, a steady improvement in drivers and adjustments to the system have, as I know from my own experiences, resulted in significant gains. Nevertheless, as I can also attest through experience, every single poly-directional speaker Richard Shahinian ever designed, including original versions from 1977, sound wonderful and satisfying.
So, go ahead, let yourself go and tell me what you think.
Rpfef, my comment was made more in jest, I wish the wallet wasn't so weak at the moment or I might just find myself in Hawk or Diapason land myself, providing the upgrade was a fairly large step up that is.

I have never heard either one that I recall, mainly Obs and Arcs. A lot of things would probably have to change a bit, room, amplification etc., for the two bigger brothers to work out.

Audio memory and all that, I would say the newest Obelisk2 is an upgrade, but without having them side by side in direct comparison, hard to say just how much. They do seem a bit easier to drive, and the mids also seem better, not as recessed as older designs.

I have often wondered what putting the Obs on a slight stand to lift them off the floor a bit would do for the mids as well as image height. Sometimes I get the idea that listening to them in a lower/slouched position makes them sound a bit better in the mids. But I also wonder if the placement of the mid-bass driver on the front being closer to the floor is all part of the design and voicing. Still playing a bit in regards with positioning and seating height, but most of the time, I just listen to the music and do not fuss over things. This is probably one of the things I tend to like about omni designs, they take a fair amount of fussing with things out of the equation, yet do-diligence has its rewards too.

I would love to hear your Hawks, would be a fine experience I am sure. Someday maybe I will get the chance to hear both Hawk and Diaps. Will enjoy my Obs until then, maybe it is a good thing no one that I know close by has either of the bigger brothers! Tim