Zu audio

I am interested in these speakers but a little skeptical of their claims on website

10 inch driver has 11 versions of nano...

Nano materials...
Nano- sanctified..."

Who is buying this nanononsense?

Zu : Overpriced speakers with too many unrealized promises. But decent speakers nevertheless.

Wharfedale: Overpriced junkyard speakers.

KEF: Decent speakers that somehow got elevated to an luxury brand in Hong Kong. Their showrooms there would make you laugh and roll on the floor. But deep down, respectful speakers that are as decent as Zu.

I cannot speak for Rega since I never care to own any.
I beg to differ.  I have been in the hobby since I was 13 years old, so we are talking 50 years now.  Granted I have never owned the true high end, but I haven't owned shabby equipment either.  

I acquired the ZU Dirty Weekenders a few months back.  The most exciting listen in easily the last 20 years in my systems.  I currently own Wharfedale (Denton and Diamond 10)) and have owned KEF (Q55) and Rega (Ara and RP1).  Not even close to the Zu, then again I have only owned pure bookshelf sized and large standpoint sized speakers of the other brands, as opposed to a floorstander.    

The other speakers that I heard that I was this excited about were from Focus Audio and that was at a trade show 15 years ago.

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Zu Def 4 does scale effortlessly. With the right equipment upstream I have the Goldilocks sound I've always wanted. Honestly, the sound is anything but bright but then an all tube system goes a ways toward giving them the right signal. 
Will say though that clean power helps a lot.