Wilson Sasha versus Watt Puppy 8

Hi Folks:

Recently had the opportunity to listen to the Wp's successor with a Boulder amplifier. That was also a treat because it was the first Boulder I have ever heard. Impressive but not to my taste.

In any event, I was slightly surprised to find that I prefer the sound of the WP 8, which, to this day, is the best Wilson I have ever heard and that includes the original Alexandria and the excellent MAXX 2's. The Sasha sounded a bit more "refined" but, at least on this system, seemed to give up a little richness in the treble and bass energy. Still a very good speaker indeed. Anyone notice the same thing on other systems?

My WP 8 experience was in New York at the last Sterophile show with the amazing BAT VK150SE's. A fantastic time indeed.

>I am sure the Sasha's and other Wilson speakers sound very good.I just can't get excited<

Ok, we get it already....

You are starting to sound like a broken record...


You are wrong!
I am, (at this very minute, no less!), holding Shakey's face in front of the monitor, and forcing him to read your posts!
(I've had to resort to using duct tape to hold his eye lids open on number of occasions, but today he is resisting less than usual!)

To be honest, I am less than thrilled with their looks too, but only because I find them kind of boring looking, not because I find them ugly. Sonically, I find them to sound good, but not great, IMHO. (If someone were to give me a pair, I could put up with them.) I prefer speakers with a bit more of a design flare myself.

My two cents worth.

PS Shakey, it would be easier to write this if you would stop twisting and turning so much!!!!!
Wow you guys are tough on the overpriced mighty Wilson's. Very surprised to see so much criticism. I've liked Wilson's in the past but thought they really didn't compete well with other speakers in their price class.

If say the MAXX was in the price group of the Puppy(haven't heard the Sasha's) I would say Wilson would have a fighting chance. Other than that they are very well built and do have a unique sound but nothing that really blows you away

Coincident PMC & Westlake would be worth a listen to compete with Wilson
At the last CES show I heard the Sasha'S with BAT's reference mono amps. They sounded extremely good. More musical then my WP7's. They also sounded good with AR amp, preamp and Continuum $100,000 plus turntable. A very bad match with Lamm Hybrid Amps. I never liked the Boulder sound- clinical. Now for my money the difference between the Wilson 7 and possibly the 8's (never heard them) and the Sasha's is not great enough to match the price difference of used vs New plus the significant price increase.
The very best speaker combo at the show was the Maxx3 with Lamm's best amp and preamp. A different Level all together.

If room size was not an issue I would buy the WP 8 for now and wait a few years for the MAXX3 to be on the used market. That's what I am going to do.