Is a 12' X 16' room big enough for stereo?

Dear fellow audiophiles:
I am in the process of building a house. Our builder went over the floor plans with us yestreday morning and there is an bonus room which I planned on making a dedicated sound room, I am strictly into 2-channel stereo, and my speakers aren't that big, the Thiels CS1.5 driven by Pass Aleph 5. This room measures 12'X 16'. Not sure about the height yet. Is it big enough? What is your opinion?

No Problem. If you are going to ever move to real big speakers it could get to be a problem. There are other things to take into consideration as well as the room dimensions... flooring, walls, etc.
It's definiely large enough. I'm not familiar with your particular speakers, but there are certainly many models that would work fine in that size room. I have Merlin VSM-SEs and they would be fine in such a setting.
I owned a pair of Theil CS.5's in a room almost that exact size (if memory serves), it was in the bottom of a split level house so the floor and two supporting walls were concrete. It worked fine in that room, in some ways better than others, but bigger probably would've better. The main problem was there just wasn't much room for experimenting with speaker placement. For example, the Theil's (like many speakers) need to be out from the walls a good deal and you won't be able to get it "perfect" like Theil recommends. 4'-5' from the side wall (to create a crude 4ms delay) for each speaker will only leave you 4 feet between the speakers which isn't good for the soundstage. But there has to be a minimum of 2' from the sidewalls. I ended up with mine a little under 2.5' from side walls with 7'+ in between the speakers. As far as the rear wall, 3' out worked well, and the difference I found between 2' and 3' out was dramatic (at least I thought so at the time), after 3' the law of diminishing returns kicked in. Not to mention the different distances (2.5' and 3') helped prevent certain acoustic problems that could exist in the room. The one plus for a room that size is it will reinforce the low frequencies, something Theil's have always been a little shy on. And you'll never be sitting to far away so they'll play pretty loud.
A little bit of acoustic treatment in a room that size wouldn't hurt and might be worth it. Just the RPG pro foam level I at the first reflection points and the middle wall between the speakers should be enough, if any, or if you have some nice pictures to put there use those. But a 12' by 16' room is big enough to do the job well with some time put into things.
Francis, while you're at it (building, I mean), do consider getting some dedicated power lines for that room.

Cheers & good luck!