subwoofer question

hi everyone, i have a chance to buy 2 m&k mx-150thx(mark I) subs for $900 shipped.
first off is this a good deal or am i over paying.
next, because these subs are old (10-15 years), can they compete with the new subs which use better technology.
i only use my system for home theater.
my room is 14x12.
will these subs be great for my room or should i get one really great "USED" sub like a jl fathom, or velodyne dd series, svs, etc.

thanks so much
thanks for all your input guys.
i see everyone is against the m&k purchase.
i am strictly home theater not 2 channel.
i do have a audio control bijou equalizer(manual up/down sliders) which smoothes out the frequencies, but doesnt do anything for phase or whatever else the microphone eq's do(audessy, ARC, etc.)

do you really only benefit in 2 channel with 2 subwoofers(left and right)?

for home theater will 1 great high end sub do just as well as 2 subs would... or atleast close to it?
I forgot besides HSU and SVS,someone just posted this the other day if it helps.LINK>>[]
In your size room(14X12),one may get buy.Some have a home trial I believe.It depends on how much thunder you want.
They seem to like it.>>>[]
The trade of between 1 large sub and 2 smaller subs (all other things - including overall price tag - being equal) is that 2 smaller subs will allow placement that smooths bass response while the single sub (again properly chosen at the same price point) will allow greater clean output. Effects tracks WILL challenge your subs output capability, music usuallly does not.

Therefore, while there's a benefit to maximizing BOTH output capablity and smooth response, at any given price point (shy of zillions) you must choose one (to at least some extent) or the other. My rule of thumb is smooth (2 subs) for music and loud and clean (1 big sub) for movies.

Hope that clarifies MY thought process. As always, YMMV>

Good Luck
