Tube Rolling for Pre-amps?

I have an Audio Research LS-16 that feeds a Madrigal Proceed HPA2 solid state amp. 

I did not choose this equipment; it was given to me. From what I can tell the original owner spent a good bit of time matching up these two components with the speakers, Aerial Acoustics 7Bs.

The tubes in the AR are original. Probably 10-15 years old? But with an extended period of not being used.

The system sounds good to me. I don't need to change anything.

However, I've been told that the tubes are old and may need to be replaced soon. I've also read a little bit about tube rolling but most of the articles I've seen talk mostly about tube rolling with amps and not pre-amps.

So I have some questions:

1) If the original owner wanted a system that sounded like a 'tube' system, why not have a tube amp and pre-amp? Does it make sense to have a tube pre but SS amp?

2) Other than outright failure, how will I know if my tubes _need_ to be replaced?

3) With a SS amp, will changing tubes in the pre-amp have a noticeable impact on SQ? In other words, is tube rolling for a pre-amp played through a SS amp a thing?

4) For someone like myself who is happy with the system and who is also easily frustrated by A/B testing is tube rolling the pre-amp even worthwhile? I can almost always hear a change when comparing various components but only rarely am able to say A is better or worse than B.

( I probably can't even articulate effectively what I look for in terms of SQ except that I like the bass to be tight, precise, well defined and not boomy. I do not like the music to be overly bright or tinny. I like depth and lushness but not overly warm. Not sure if these are things you alter with tubes.)

Thanks for any advice.

Hey all-

I roll current production tubes so I can consistently get the same sound when things wear out. Once I find something I like, I buy a couple sets. That being said, I also have a stash of NOS for reference.
These were the best tubes I tried in my LS16MKI when I had it.

I tried a lot of different tubes with all my ARC gear.  These are really, really good and aren't that expensive.

I was lucky and started buying tubes over 40 years ago when they weren't in vogue like they are now and were cheap.  I have drawers full of tubes.  Could probably retire on what they are worth now...
I got a philips /mazda 6922 from Brent Jessee years ago that I just put into my c-j Classic 2SE and it was juet as described,  breathed new life into my pre.
@mofimadness On the scale of things in the tube world those are quite inexpensive, even for the platinum. What would you say were the characteristics of those tubes?
Another question: Does anyone know which brand of tubes came in the LS-16 MkI from the factory? I can find the type but not the brand. I could pull my pre-amp out and take the lid off to find out but if someone knows that would be a lot easier. The AR database does not say as far as I can tell.