Phillip Glass Fans

Hearing a radio program on NPR prompted a new interest in this composer....I am really captivated by his minimalistic style. Are there any fans out there who can recommend some recordings (CDs or LPs) I can start with? The only one I have so far is Glassworks, which consists of some of his compositions all performed on organ.
No mention of Akhnaten? 
His music on piano is like playing 'Czerny Studies', very repetitive. 
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A bit late to the party, but as mentioned, Koyaanisqatsi is his most seminal recording; it should be paired with the movie for full effect. However, whenever I go into Walmart, I usually have this album in my earbuds as a survival strategy.

Glassworks and Northstar can also serve as a good introduction. Einstein on the Beach - based just on its thematic complexity and scope - should best be saved once you’re familiar with Glass’ style.

I have several of his symphonies, but they never seem to have reached the visceral impact as those other three recordings. YMMV.

As for you Phillip Glass haters; well, critics critique; they don't create. It's easier to knock down a sandcastle than it is to build one.

@Schubert - I can't remember the last time I heard you say anything positive about any musical artist who wasn't a dead 18th century white guy.
I perosnally would not mention Glass in the same sentence as Chopin. I like Glass, Chopin is in a totally different class though......IMHO.