Recommendation for tube amp.

I’m exploring getting a tube amplifier to drive my GoldenEar Triton 1 speakers.
Sensitivity: 92dB/2.83V/m.  Impedance: 8 ohms
I’d like to spend in the $2000-$2500 range.
Are there any quality tube amps in that price range that would effectively drive these speakers?
 I listen mainly to classical music. Amp has to have enough power to rise to powerful orchestral climaxes.
 I’d appreciate any help in searching.
Take a look at Don Sach's KT88 amp.  It's been getting raves from owners and is in your price range.

If you want to get transparency, then this OTL amp will work.

Also Ralph of AtmaSphere is an active member of Audiogon, he has a good reputation of providing A/S for even used one.

Definitely take a look at Don Sach’s Kootenay 120 KT88 Amplifier! Fully regulated with independent power supplies for each channel and auto bias.

This is what I’m using along with his DS2 Tube Pre utilizing 4 6SN7s and a 6BY5 Rectifier and is just wonderful sounding and like nothing I have owned in the past (within the last 2 years); Vac, Herron, Line Magnetic SET and Vitus.

Don Sach’s equipment is here to stay...
