Degritter brand ultrasonic record cleaner

I received notification yesterday that the Degritter ultrasonic record cleaner is finally making it into production. I have been watching the company for about a year, as the cleaner has moved from prototype to beta testing , and now to a limited production of the finalized (we’ll see ;-) version. The design is excellent, eliminating my reservations about the high-priced (around $4,000) ultrasonic cleaners, at a little over half their price (just over $2,000, last I read). The Degritter uses 120kHz as it’s ultrasonic frequency, and features water filtering and disc drying. It also looks cool, like a 1950’s toaster! Details available on the companys website.

Agree 100% @prof. I registered on the Degritter website, and have received regular email updates on the status of the cleaner ever since. Many of them included the announcement of a slight increase in price, but nothing like the latest!

At around $2,000 US I didn’t consider it overpriced (as I do the $4,000 usc machines), but $3,000 is pushing it. Still, as it appears it may actually be a better machine than the KLAudio and Audio Desk, that price IS defendable. For anyone not wanting to have to assemble a DIY usc, and with the required disposable income (or savings, for you retired gents), the Degritter is mighty attractive and tempting. As you said prof, to see it is to want it!

I’m not crazy about the idea of forced-air drying of LP’s, but anyone with a VPI, Nitty Gritty, Pro-Ject, Okki Nokki, or even Keith Monks vacuum machine can use it to dry the LP after a cleaning in any usc. I also like having a VPI if for no other reason than that it provides a platter upon which a used, dirty LP can be scrubbed by hand.

One advantage of the Vinyl Stack spinner is the ability to clean up to five LP’s simultaneously. The only automatic usc that does more than one at a time is the Kirmuss (and then only two), with which I have serious reservations (for one thing, 35kHz is imo unacceptable. For another, their pitchmans claims for the Kirmuss cleaning solution strike me as bs. Plus, drying an LP with a cloth?!).


Yeah the price hike does push it upward to a smaller audience.  I got in when I could buy it at just over $2,300 so I'm happy enough about that.

Still, the price demanded for the KLAudio and Audio Desk does put the Degritter in better perspective, and it looks to me like the better machine in many ways.

I've started to really anticipate the Degritter because, as I wrote, I've built up a big collection of LPs, especially tons of older "library music" LPs from the 70's to early 80's.  I have bought brand new premium inner sleeves to use once my records are washed.  So...I'm all ready to go, just twiddling my thumbs waiting.

Excellent, prof, can’t wait to hear if it lives up to our high expectations. The designers (who appear to be very sharp young men) really took their time, making every effort to get it perfect. I can't see a thing they missed!
I received this email today from Degritter:

"New web store stock on March 25As you may have noticed, our webshop is up and running. You may also have noticed that the number of machines in stock was rather low and that they’ve all been already bought. 

"Bear with us, though. There will be five more machines available in our shop on March 25. Indeed, we are keeping the quantities low in March, but this is to ensure that the stock that is currently available is available to buy throughout the whole month. 

"Degritter accessories will also become available on March 25. This includes 7” and 10” adapters, replacement water tanks and filters as well as cleaning fluids. 

"There is still some more good news. We expect the availability of stock to stabilize by April. This means that considerably larger quantities of Degritter machines will become available in our webshop. 

"We appreciate your patience and aim to deliver the best ultrasonic record cleaner in return. 

"All the Best,
Team Degritter"

There's a lot of chatter on forums about using cleaners/surfactants with US cleaners - what type, or whether to even use them at all.

It seems generally acknowledged that surfactants work well in aiding the US cleaning process, but some are uncomfortable leaving any residue on the vinyl.

The Degritter cleaner apparently leaves a fine "anti-static" coating that they claim does not affect playback at all.   Some beta testers seem to agree as they use the surfactant.

But for those uncomfortable leaving it on, an idea is to do a double wash - first with surfactant, second to wash the surfactant off (Degritter says you can wash off the surfactant).

I inquired a while ago about the possibility of acquiring an additional water tank to make a double wash easy - just have the tank with fresh water, sans surfactant, on hand to switch in after the first wash.   They said they'd be making the water tanks available on their own.  Nice to see they will be available!

(Though I'm looking to simplify the record cleaning process as much as possible, which is why I went with a Degritter in the first place.  So if I like what I hear using the surfactant I'll likely stick with that).