Best new or used intergrated amp or separates for Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand Speakers

Want to upgrade and looking for suggestions...

For a $1, 200 budget and preferably less, what do you recommend for Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand speakers that I just bought and love?

I listen to mostly digital music from my laptop and Cambridge Audio DacMagic 100  on Spotify via AudioQuest Forest usb cable in by 12 x 14 x 10' office. 

Current equipment that would be sold if I find the right upgrade:
 NAD 2400 AMP, 100wpc and NAD 1600 Preamp with NAD C 525Bee CD Player

 I know about need for power to drive 4ohm and lower. And I've read Primare is great match. But, have not been able to find used i32 Primare under budget and not sure if i22 would be enough power.

So, what options and suggestion would you have for a near novice? And what upgrade would be worth the change.

There is a Primare I-32 on Agon right now for $1399. A couple others sold recently around the same, depending on DAC or no DAC. 
VA loves more forwarding, assertive, amp-juicy amps. They are power hungry even they ain’t that difficult to drive to big volume.

Don’t worry about utmost transparency of the amps (the VAs wouldn’t give you that sound anyway).

I’d be careful with lower-powered Mc, but Krell or Ayre would be great starters.
Overkill for sure but I connected my Beethovens v2 to my Hegel h360 and they actually boogied! something I never thought i'd say about a VA speaker.