Why no Class D integrated love? (from manufacturers)

Unless I'm mistaken, it seems that Class D integrateds are not receiving the same attention from manufacturers as a whole. Sure there are the Peachtrees and NAD's of the world but by and large it seems the better class D tech is going into separates right now and that's somewhat disappointing to me. It's easy to find affordable separates based on the latest Icepower and Hypex modules but almost impossible to find integrateds based on anything but the lower end modules, for example the Nord integrateds.  Perhaps I am missing something? It just seems like this is an area that is ripe for some innovation. Anyone making "affordable" integrateds based on Hypex NC500 or IcePower AS1200 for example?
Recently I just bought NAD M22 V2 power amp, it’s based on Hypex NCore module, my first impression it sound very detailed and HD, don’t have any filter or roll off, both treble and bass, speakers being driven is a pair of Wharfedale Denton 80th Anniversary, I have owned some amps like Topping TP60, NAD 3020i, Marantz PM6005, Marantz HD-AMP1, Yamaha A-S801, TEAC AX-501, and Class D Audio SDS-470C with upgraded power supply. My source is FLAC files being channeled into a DAC/preamp Fostex HP-A3. Frankly, I’m disappointed how NAD M22 V2 sound like, compare to my favorite Class D Audio SDS 470C, it’s a bit more details and bassy than I want, while the SDS-470C sound sweet and bass just tight and right, I feel magic when I hear the sound, I guess some kind of filters here did work best for my ears to listen to, some people describe the SDS power amp sound as "tubelike", whatever, so far I still haven't found any amp that beat it, seriously? Having said that, I think I will keep the NAD M22 V2 until I find another better matching speakers perhaps like Dynaudio Contour 20 or the new Dynaudio Evoke series?
Don't forget Rowland / JRDG - they have been making Class D integrateds for at least 10+ years now.  I had the original Concerto with Harbeth SHL5 and thought it was a fantastic combo. 
What worries me is down the road , these Hypex and ICE type modules will be no longer available for repairs like in the early Audio Research digital amps.
What worries me is down the road , these Hypex and ICE type modules will be no longer available for repairs like in the early Audio Research digital amps.

Yes even now many techs will not try to repair them down to component level, as they are very congested with smd (miniscule) parts, and the pcb's (printed circuit board) itself can be two three or even 4 layer designed which make it impossible to trace a fault.

Many techs I know now, just say throw the whole module out and put a new one in, if it's still available!!, if not the amp becomes junk.

Cheers George