Power Amp transformer hum - intermittent and increases and decreases in a few seconds

Checking to see if anyone can tell me if blue circle power pillow or emotive cmx-2 can solve my hum issue. Or is there something else I should be liking at?
Thx lowrider.  Amp is SS and hums only thru transformer. Hum goes up in volume and then down in a cyclical type pattern.  
I had that problem once when I lived in a place with very poor power. It was DC getting into the line. I ended up just unplugging stuff when it happened and returning a hour or so later. It was annoying and aggravating. I tried gear to block it unsuccessfully. I was running a tube amp at the time.
My problem was hum with dryer/dishwasher/blow dryer/fluorescent lights/dimmer switches being used, and that's with a dedicated line to the listening room. The above posters have already given you all the information you need. Hope you get it resolved soon.
