I'm thinking about purchasing a Luxman D-08 SACD/CD Player

Has anyone had any experiences with this player?
To the OP.  The D-08U is an excellent SACD player.   I have owned the Esoteric K-01X and have compared both. The Luxman is much smoother and engaging.   

I have owned the D-06U and I think it is the sweet spot for Luxman spinners in terms of value.
Have you had a chance to compare the D-06u vs an Esoteric K-03?The D-06u is just a bit more in reach than the K-03, but I was wondering if their in the same league musically.
@cmach - yes, I have owned the K-03X as well.  D-06u  is a better player IMO.   The Esoteric can be a bit edgy sometimes.  

That is strange. My distributor claims to have gotten a formal email from Luxman to that effect. I heard someone else in one of forums say something similar (heard from a dealer).

There isn't a reason why he should mislead since I asked him for pricing on a D-08u with some intentions of placing an order.

Maybe it is a country-based thing. And in the USA it will still be supported.