Anyone receive their Zu Druid VIs yet?

Things seem to have gone a little dark on these speakers, or am I imagining that?  I ordered mine in September and didn't receive them yet.  Was curious if anyone has received theirs yet?

Haven't seen any new online traffic regarding the speakers either, which makes me wonder if any are really out yet?

If so, are they as expected?

Emailed Zu but didn't hear back on the status.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xparsons
Cottguy, it's fascinating to hear of your early, highly positive impressions. 213Cobra/Phil is due v soon to leave a lengthy in depth ongoing review which will build on yr words.

I've been running Definitions for a decade now, initially the 2, now the 4, w Duelund caps and Lundahls upgrades, and the performance I'm getting in my room is simply staggering.

To think that Sean is truly upping the ante from Druid V to VI can only mean the upcoming Definition VI and totl Experience will be quite something.

I really wanted to leave things as they are. But, but LOL...
I'm really excited to get mine set up in our home and start dialing them in.  I'm jealous that you've been running Definitions for a decade!  We were initially planning to wait for the Experience to come out, but we decided to sell our home sooner than expected forcing me to sell my Soul Supremes.  The Omens are amazing speakers for the money, but after living with the SS, it is just too hard to wait for the Experience to come out.  It is going to be very interesting to see how the new driver design trickles down (and up) through their line. 

I've been on an amazing journey w Zu. Raucous and exciteable Definitions 2 in my old, v poor acoustic space. Newer more sophisticsted yet familiar full blooded Defintions 4, still hampered by my old space. Move to new, vastly better sounding room, 2 years of optimising inc a critical couple of analog upgrades, and the Zus are reborn, the straight arrow communication, now w vastly better all round performance. 

And now we hear Sean is surpassing himself w Druid VI.
@cottguy  Believe it or not I'm still in the final stages of renovations on the listening room, but I still have the 6s and a vinyl system set up at the old house (which still hasn't sold).  Still loving the 6s.  In the final stretch...paint and flooring.

I've got some new amps running across both the 6s and the Soul Supremes--a bespoke 45 SET from Radu Tarta, some upgraded 3.3 M60s OTLs from Atma-Sphere, and a 25th Anniversary Decware.  All have strengths and something you might prefer.  I think I'm leaning toward the Atma-Sphere M60s for their slam and yet nuanced sound.  Perhaps the slightest trade-off in "SET magic" but they have their own magic.  I've kept the Thoress 845 monos and Audion 300b Golden Dreams for now and will test them in the new space, but suspect I may prefer one of the previous 3 mentioned.
@parsons Sorry to hear it is taking so long, but it sounds like you are having a good time auditioning some new gear.  Sean had mentioned that the Atma-Spheres are solid.  I'd be really interested in hearing them next to the Golden Dreams.  A lot of the people in the Zu FB group swear by Decware's gear, but I've also had people tell me they were lacking in areas and that they aren't true SETs.  Keep us posted on the new room.  I'm really interested in how it's going to shake out for you.