Do you "treat" your speakers rubber surrounds?


I was wondering if anyone out there puts any products on their speakers rubber surrounds? I notice that mine get dusty from time to time under the grills, so I do dust them. I am wondering if perhaps they could benefit from having some type of "moistening" product put on them.

Thanks for your input,
I used Armor All on a car’s dashboard cover.  It made it crack faster.  Then again, the dash is vinyl.  I imagine it would be worse for rubber.
I would be worried that anything that would soften the rubber would attack the glue that holds it on. Probably causing more problems then it would fix. 

The oils in the rubber will leach out no matter what you do. The best thing you can do is keep them out of the sun and heat. 

For what it is worth I have worked in the polymer industry for 15 years and designed a handful of elastomer products, though they are not my specialty. 
Somebody once shown me adding some kind of special heavy oily mix (almost like vaseline) to keep the rubber part moist (reduce physical wear and deterioration).

I suspect it’s more for physical maintenance than for sound, just like some vintage Mc owners rub oil on the chrome to protect the delicate silk screen (plus prevent rusting / pitting)

No idea on the former, but the later made perfect sense (got 2 x MC240 with perfect chrome from that seller, must agree on that)

Dynaudio, recommends Sonax for their woofers. First time I had heard of this my self. Around 1:50.