With that budget, you'd be very hard pressed to do better than the $2K Spatial Audio M4 Turbo S.
I own Heresy IIIs and the Spatials beat them in nearly every regard. I was afraid they'd be excessively bright, being that they use a metal-dome compression driver to cover everything beyond 800Hz, but was pleasantly surprised by their neutrality. If anything, they lean just to the warm side of neutral. You'll still get the "you are there" moments with none of the harshness that occasionally plagues Klipsch speakers. The soundstage is massive but not so much that it smears the imaging as is the case with some speakers. They do need at least couple feet of wall distance but that shouldn't be much of a problem since you're already living with LaScalas.
This reviewer owns/owned Cornwalls:
That review is for the triode master version, but I've heard both trim levels and the review is fairly accurate for both. Over the last couple years, I've owned over half a dozen pairs of speakers priced between $1.5 and $6K and the Spatials are the best value by a long shot - easily compete with the $4 to $6K range of models sold through a traditional dealer network.
I own Heresy IIIs and the Spatials beat them in nearly every regard. I was afraid they'd be excessively bright, being that they use a metal-dome compression driver to cover everything beyond 800Hz, but was pleasantly surprised by their neutrality. If anything, they lean just to the warm side of neutral. You'll still get the "you are there" moments with none of the harshness that occasionally plagues Klipsch speakers. The soundstage is massive but not so much that it smears the imaging as is the case with some speakers. They do need at least couple feet of wall distance but that shouldn't be much of a problem since you're already living with LaScalas.
This reviewer owns/owned Cornwalls:
That review is for the triode master version, but I've heard both trim levels and the review is fairly accurate for both. Over the last couple years, I've owned over half a dozen pairs of speakers priced between $1.5 and $6K and the Spatials are the best value by a long shot - easily compete with the $4 to $6K range of models sold through a traditional dealer network.