Troels Gravesen's crossover for the JBL L100 centu

Has anyone out there tried Troels Gravesen's crossover design for the JBL L100 Century? I'm wondering if it's worth the current $600 for the kits to do the upgrade. Anyone heard the results? In particular I want to know if they tame the speakers propensity to be bass heavy and thump. I know that's kind of the point of these speakers, but I listen to more than Talking Heads, after all.

I'd appreciate opinions from anyone who's heard the results ... or anyone who has opinions.

cheers ...
My opinion is like worthless Zelda.That being said anybody who spends 600 on a fine speaker such as the L100[had em] is insane.Or an audiophile.Or listens to a guy selling amps that were only used to listen to Classical music at low levels between the hours from dusk to dawn on Sundays.Right.YMMV,Bob
Everytime someone tries to second guess an engineer that designed a pair of speakers it ends up in disaster.

A friend sent me some very expensive WBT connectors and said they will really improve the sound of my JBL L-300. So, I gave them a try. The new connectors ruined the tonal balance. I put the original connectors back and the wonderful sound of the L-300 was restored.

Another friend did a crossover mod to his vintage Maggies. They sounded so bad after the mod he sold the speakers.

There must be something else you can spend $600 on. Buy some new CDs or records.