I want to be moved and have the music touch my soul!

Hello all.
To start here's my system:  Harbeth Compact 7es-3 speakers with DIY 10" subs. JL Audio CR-1 crossover. Rotel RB 981 power amp for the subs. Ayre KX5mp pre amp. SMC Audio DNA1 Gold power amp. Cardas reference neutral interconnects. Kimber 8Tc speaker cables. Oppo BD105 player. 

The system sounds great but it does not move me. I want the music to touch touch my soul. I have been through many different speakers in the past 4 years but I like the Harbeths the most. I feel bored when I'm listening. I'm not sure what to do other than spend more money. Any help?
Thanks in advance.
Its always possible one does not like music as much as they think they do. More interested in the gear? Other things? Too many distractions perhaps?  You never know.

Touching one’s soul is tricky business....

Definitely should have a box of tissues nearby when touching your soul ;))
Maybe I'm still not conveying what I think I'm looking for. I always hear reviewers talk about being "drawn into the music." I have seen my cousin cry when listening to certain classical music. I rarely get goose bumps when I'm listening but it does happen. Maybe I've never truly experienced a deep connection to the music. Could it be I'm always listening as a recording engineer! Does the snare sound perfect? Is the vocal right? Can you hear the room? Does the recording make the speakers disappear? Is there too much high end? Not enough low end? Crap! How do I change after all these years? Even when I'm out at a live venue I'm critical of the sound. Am I screwed? Is there such a thing as an audiophile shrink?

Speakers in the last 4 years:

KEF 107, KEF LS50, Dyn Audio Countour 3.3, Golden Ear Triton2, Totem Acoutsic Hawk, Anthony Gallo Reference 3.5, Spatial Audio M3 Trubo S, Harbeth C7es3, Revel F208, Tannoy XT8F, Tannoy XT6F, Magnepan MMG, Elac Debut B6, B&W 703 S2. Maybe more. As my old man would say  "I'm a sick potlicker"