One or two dedicated AC wire ?

Would it have a signeficant audible in performance between: FIRST- a dedicated AC wire for an audio stereo system connected to a power distribution bar with good AC cable and Furutech Duplex. SECOND- the same as first version, but adding another dedicated AC wire, and an other wall Furutech Duplex, to connect only the stereo power amp. Would I hear a significative improvement for the investement of time and electrical parts ?
lowrider57, I already run one by myself so, the "audio senibilty" power distribution bar is already having a dedicated AC wire, I wonder if to add another one for the Moon W5 LE would help to have a better insight full music details ? I use Vibrapods on all of the equipements and they do, specialy, a good job under the speakers. If I insatall another AC wire, I would also need to replace the breaker for a split breaker (2 in one, Tandem Breaker) because the electrical panel is already full. The AC cable are also "audio sensibilty" and one "Harmonic Tecnology" Fantasy AC10. As I have 4 Furutech Duplex on the power bar, I would also be able to utilize and remove one Furutech NCF on the power distribution bar to be install on the wall with the new AC wire. On the power bar, I could install a new Duplex of less quality, because it would be use only as a spare. Is there a better way than to install a Tandem Breaker for best results ? I wonder if it worth the expense and work ?
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I hope somebody experienced in this area chimes in, but I don’t think a tandem circuit breaker should be used in this situation.... the 2 dedicated lines would be on separate legs.

IME, audio AC lines should be on the same phase and the current draw of devices in the home  should be evenly distributed across both legs on the panel.
Unless I’m wrong, you would need to put each dedicated line on their own breaker with ground tied from the ground buss to each receptacle (not self grounded).

lowrider57  Thank you. I will search for installing another small electrical panel near the main boxe, for the two AC audio dedicated wire
mental.  I have already a dedicated AC wire for the stereo only... no Tv or Video in this system.  So I was thinking in a second dedicated  only for the power amp. But it's seems not to be so easy