Hal Blaine

I expected bdp24 to be the first to note the passing of a great drummer and musician, Hal Blaine.  Truly sad.
The Wrecking Crew documentary has been on Netflix--might still be there.  Also, a good movie about Muscle Shoals studio and one about background singers.  All three are worth checking out.
It's great that Hal Blaine and the rest of the crew are finally getting some respect and attention.  So much taste and imagination coupled with chops and general musical know-how!
Netflix' license expired but you can rent it on Amazon for $3. Watched it last night; a must see!
Glenn Campbell, who may have been a bit younger than some of the others in that Crew, had monster chops. We caught him on that bittersweet last tour, and even though his mind was straying, he still had the muscle memory - his playing was just superb.
Carol Kaye- insanely good, that bass line in "Boots" makes the song.
When you look at the roster of all the famous, big hit records that were actually the Wrecking Crew playing, you realize how much music came from a small group of seasoned players who threw away convention and just 'went for it.' They changed the sound of popular music. 
Played on many monumental records, enjoyed his cars, boats and homes while staying low key. A Massachusetts original. RIP.
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