The Science of Cables

It seems to me that there is too little scientific, objective evidence for why cables sound the way they do. When I see discussions on cables, physical attributes are discussed; things like shielding, gauge, material, geometry, etc. and rarely are things like resistance, impedance, inductance, capacitance, etc. Why is this? Why aren’t cables discussed in terms of physical measurements very often?

Seems to me like that would increase the customer base. I know several “objectivist” that won’t accept any of your claims unless you have measurements and blind tests. If there were measurements that correlated to what you hear, I think more people would be interested in cables. 

I know cables are often system dependent but there are still many generalizations that can be made.
It makes very little sense to talk about what a recording studio or audio engineer does wrong. It’s too late to change that. The only system that makes sense to talk about is the home system. To answer the OP directly, it’s not really true that “we have little scientific evidence why cables sound the way they do.” Specifically, we have a tremendous amount of empirical evidence that cables sound the way they do. Listening testimony is empirical evidence. It is perhaps more powerful than measurement evidence. It is illogical to declare that a hobby that is largely subjective is strictly objective. There is strong empirical evidence that,

* cables sound different
* cables suffer break-in
* cables are directional
* cables are system and application dependent to some extent
* cryogenics improves cable performance.

Finally, there are many examples of recording studios that did employ high end electronics, microphones and cables. Mapleshade, Moment!, Water Lilly, probably Mobile Fidelity, and others. These days who knows?
And there is the example of Bob Ludwig, a master in the pro field and with much more than just a lick of audiophile in his method.

. During a recent interview with mastering legend Bob Ludwig of Gateway Mastering for the 3rd edition of The Mastering Engineer’s Handbook, he mentioned that he rewired his entire studio with Transparent Cable and both he and his clients were astonished at the improvement in sound.

Bob Ludwig: My letter to Harry acknowledged that early on, when I was first mastering records, it wasThe Absolute Sound that kept the concept of the highest quality sound in the forefront of my thinking. It spurred me on to investigate circuit designs better than the "stock" circuits offered by professional gear manufacturers, high-end cables, power supplies and especially high end speakers and amplifiers. So the influence of The Absolute Sound on me caused me to look for better audiophile solutions to create great sound which in turned produced better sounding music to the millions of people who played the result of my work. Competing against facilities like Doug Sax’s The Mastering Lab opened my ears as well as Doug was really the first mastering engineer I know of who really had a handle on high-end sound along with his brother Sherwood.

and I use the top-of-the-line Transparent Audio speaker cable. I use Transparent Audio cable throughout the studio; we probably have a few kilometers of it installed in my one mastering room, three production rooms and DVD-authoring room.

The main key is the room itself. I tried to make it as acoustically perfect as possible.

cleander, If I read your comment correctly in your last post, I believe you may be referring to the subjective perception of the efficacy of Schroeder method in more modest systems. 

I assert that there is an absolute relationship in terms of performance, that a higher end rig, a more capable system, will always benefit/reveal relatively more than a mid to lower end system.  YMMV 
Just because you might have a higher resolving rig does not mean it will necessarily reveal an x-fold increase in SQ by virtue of placing an SM interconnect assembly into such a system that exceeds that experienced in a lower-end system with the same SM interconnect assembly. Which has the greater improvement, a lower-end system that has a 50% improvement in perceived SQ or a high-end system that has a 20% improvement in perceived SQ?
This just in!! Wikipedia Audiophile! 



There is substantial controversy on the subject of audiophile components; many have asserted that the occasionally high cost produces no measurable improvement in audio reproduction.[20] For example, skeptic James Randi, through his foundation One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge, has offered a prize of $1 million to anyone who can demonstrate that $7,250 audio cables "are any better than ordinary audio cables".[21] In 2008, audio reviewer Michael Fremer attempted to claim the prize, and said that Randi declined the challenge.[22]Randi said that the cable manufacturer Pear Cables was the one who withdrew.[23]

Criticisms usually focus on claims around so-called "tweaks" and accessories beyond the core source, amplification, and speaker products. Examples of these accessories include speaker cables, component interconnects, stones, cones, CD markers, and power cables or conditioners.[24][25]

There is disagreement on how equipment testing should be conducted and as to its utility. Audiophile publications frequently describe differences in quality which are not detected by standard audio system measurements and double blind testing, claiming that they perceive differences in audio quality which cannot be measured by current instrumentation,[26] and cannot be detected by listeners if listening conditions are controlled,[27] but without providing an explanation for those claims.