. During a recent interview with mastering legend Bob Ludwig of Gateway Mastering for the 3rd edition of The Mastering Engineer’s Handbook, he mentioned that he rewired his entire studio with Transparent Cable and both he and his clients were astonished at the improvement in sound.
Bob Ludwig: My letter to Harry acknowledged that early on, when I was first mastering records, it wasThe Absolute Sound that kept the concept of the highest quality sound in the forefront of my thinking. It spurred me on to investigate circuit designs better than the "stock" circuits offered by professional gear manufacturers, high-end cables, power supplies and especially high end speakers and amplifiers. So the influence of The Absolute Sound on me caused me to look for better audiophile solutions to create great sound which in turned produced better sounding music to the millions of people who played the result of my work. Competing against facilities like Doug Sax’s The Mastering Lab opened my ears as well as Doug was really the first mastering engineer I know of who really had a handle on high-end sound along with his brother Sherwood.
and I use the top-of-the-line Transparent Audio speaker cable. I use Transparent Audio cable throughout the studio; we probably have a few kilometers of it installed in my one mastering room, three production rooms and DVD-authoring room.
The main key is the room itself. I tried to make it as acoustically perfect as possible.