Amp "timing" ?

I was reading someone raving about the impeccable "timing" of their high-end amp this morning.  I have heard this term tossed around several times recently in my dive back into highish-end audio. 

Can someone please explain what is meant by this term?  Is it snake-oil or confirmation bias?  I just don't understand how a human  can hear  a timing difference of a soundwave unless it's a 2nd+ order reflection.  

I just saw an instagram post by @absolutesound that says this:

"The finesse and muscle of the Naim NAP-500 combined with the Focal Diablo Utopia's speed: the recipe for an incredibly dynamic performance with eye-watering accuracy and timing."  

Why do I feel like we're being duped here.  If I told my 10 year old son to sit down and listen to the timing of this amp, he'd think the timing was awesome.  When it's really a mystical quality that no one knows how to describe.

I'm just getting tired of all the "and the veil was lifted" colour that people are adding to their reviews/opinions that have zero basis.

But I'm still open to this timing thing if it has a basis because I LOVE believing things sound different and better, I'm just not always convinced it's true.
All to do with accurate rise-time and decay of the electronics without overhang, ringing, or harmonic distortion.
Whether it was to this concept of, "timing" that, "someone" was referring(or not), here’s an explanation of, "PRAT"(whether anyone accepts it or not): (Timing is mentioned on the second page) " But it should be quite obvious that an amplifier can’t change the timing of music....", would be my stance as well, in the context of that article(ie: How tight a group might sound, in playback).
Why do I feel like we’re being duped here ... I’m just getting tired of all the "and the veil was lifted" colour that people are adding to their reviews/opinions that have zero basis. But I’m still open to this timing thing if it has a basis because I LOVE believing things sound different and better, I’m just not always convinced it’s true.
I suggest that you listen for yourself, and then decide. There's just no substitute for personal experience.
The only maeasurable parameter that might, and I emphasize might, be involved here is the amplifier slew rate, that is, how many volts/microsecond can it increase?