Is OPPO worth the inflated price?

I've had my eye on the now discontinued OPPO UDP-205 for some time (more for playing my CD's than for video)  but am discouraged that units which last sold retail for $1299 are now asking $3500. Is this worth it and if so who are the buyers? Would appreciate the group's input. . 
I wouldn't worry too much about the warranty, I have not heard of any widespread issues and I've owned 5 Oppo units and all worked flawlessly.  I just don't think they are worth 3-4 times what their retail price was, that's just stupid.
Already been said but here's my views.

Having owned ( or still own) just about every OPPO bdp/udp ever made I feel I have a fairly decent perspective.

For video and movies any of the later OPPO are hard to beat. Fantastic soundtracks for movies over HDMI into a 7.1 processor.

As for music from its own analog outputs?
Even the much lauded 105d and 205 left me cold and an,older $130 Pioneer player bettered them.

Used as a transport over spdif it is fine,but then so is a $20 Samsung bdp in my system!

Value for money?

Obviously subjective but it was and remains a $1295 universal player so 2 or 3 times the price?

Heck no......
@uberwaltz. Glad your sense of humor is in great condition : re $130 Pioneer ;)
@uberwaltz . Unless you’re possibly using a very old Pioneer receiver - from which everything sounds lush and mellow :)
Actually deadly serious on the $130 Pioneer. That's what I paid used from eBay, not sure what it's original msrp was decades ago.

My point was that the OPPO as a top flight CD player from its analog outs ( RCA or Xlr) was not top flight at all imho.

Not common to be accused of having a sense of humour .... Lmao.
