Best Blu-ray/DVD player for under $800?

Lexi[CON] BD-30, I mean Oppo BDP-83... I kid, I kid.

Seriously, from my list below, which Blu-ray player do you think would offer the best BD picture quality with a 1080p plasma via HDMI, as well as the best possible rendition (upscaling) of SD DVD's? Audio is not such a concern as I only use the supplied L&R speakers at this time.

The list:

Denon DBP-2010CI
Marantz BD7004
Oppo BD-83
Anthem BLX 200
Pioneer Elite BDP-05FD

and just to mix it up;


Note: The Oppo is the obvious choice for many because of price, but consider the other BDP's as "open-box" or "preowned/demo" priced for comparisons sake. I won't be paying full retail.
The PS3 is thrown in because many seem to think it ranks up there with most mass-consumer BDP's on the market. I might agree with that at it's price and below, but not against $800 stand-alone BDP's. The plus side: games, as well as access to Netflix and Amazon VOD.
Sony, LG, Panasonic, and the like just don't seem relevant IMHO. At first, I considered buying some subpar <$200 BDP, but I can't be that cheap. Not with a 1080p plasma. What's the point. I've tried those lighter-then-paper weight DVD players and the picture quality was very poor. But then again, how can they compare to the only other DVD player I've owned - Meridian G98 AH. I just can't justify, nor afford, spending that much again on a component used solely for playing DVD's, as incredible as it was. Maybe when they make something similar for BD playback in the $2500 and less range.
I also consider buying a higher-end discontinued model (MSRP $2K, now discounted to less then $1K), but with how fast these products become obsolete (no network/ethernet,..), I'd rather get a current model.
And as mentioned above, I'd like having access to Netflix, Amazon VOD,... as well, but unfortunately only the subpar $200 players seem to offer this feature.
There is also one detail with a few of the BDP's in my list that bothers me; the small, cheap, two-prong AC input. Why?! It makes no sense on a $800 player. That can always be upgraded though.

I tried the oppo for the price and I was not impressed. It just is reminiscent of something I know will fail in a few months. built like a $69 unit. BD playback was very nice, upsampling was not as good as my old Arcam. IMO sound was decent. So I gave it to my father.

I purchased the Marantz BD7004 they had or are having $100 off on price. Build quality is superior. Loading is slow (slower than most) and I found the upsampled DVD to look fantastic (better than most I have seen), Sound superior but i am not all that impressed with its BD playback. Although it was similar, on par with the oppo. Then again i am not impressed with many of the BD discs I have watched. Unless it is a new movie release I find any older DVD upsampled on this unit is very close. This is on my Panasonic Premier Plasma with Arcam AVR 600 receiver dynaudio speakers.

I did have the system professionally installed by a very highly reputable shop I have no doubt the time they spent to get it right was done properly. I am amazed at how much better the Marantz looks and sounds over my old Arcam FMJ for regular DVD. I viewed a copy of Star Trek on both BD and DVD and the picture was quite close and both were crystal clear. Dark passages which are many were amazingly crisp. Shadows in the background that were not even noticeable on my Arcam were precise and not much less than the BD counterpart.

Hope this helps some but this is just my opinion.
I will also add that the HD sound is unbelievable. There is no noise as mentioned above although I think a lot of this has to do with the Arcam AVR600 which I added at the same time. I was using an Arcam AVR350 prior to this and there is just no comparison in sound quality. I would have to say with better speakers this unit will put almost anything to shame. i would even put it up against my Accuphase components for 2 channel stereo. the separation is amazing it envelops you in sound and playback of Dyana Krall live in concert is like being in a concert hall. very impressive.

I also agree the Anchor bay processor in the Marantz is outstanding.
Sorry for the third post on this I guess i should have included that the oppo 83 was used on my AVR 350 vs the AVR 600 so it is not an apples to apples comparison. I know they both use the same Anchor bay processor and the oppo is HDMI 1.3 vs 1.3a of the marantz. So this might have been a result of my bias towards the marantz.
I would go with the Oppo.

I do not think it feels like a $69 player. I have held a $69 player in my hands and there is no comparison.

Now, having said that I would say that it is not a cheap player and quite frankly I do not know how well the cheaper players would stand compare with it, expecially when it comes to standard DVD playback.

Fair enough.

Let me put it this way instead. In comparison the weight and feel of the Marantz feels more like the solid build of the Arcam FMJ than the Oppo does. I did not weigh them or know the weight off hand but it feels to be twice the weight. When you tap on the top of the oppo it has a tinny sound unlike the Marantz which is solid. The Oppo is a nice unit for the money. I am not sure if the one year vs three year warranty would prove to be a bonus i am speculating it will. I felt on upscalled DVD's the Marantz had more depth/pop and it was better than the Oppo. (again using a different receiver) I also found the sound is better. i wish I could go back and test the 2 on the same receiver.

In either case the Oppo is faster at loading and is a nice unit. I prefer the marantz myself if i had the choice and since you can pick them up for close to the same $$ within a few hundred i think the warranty is worth having. I also feel the sound would prove to be better. I don't think the receiver would impact the picture as much both using HDMI cables so IMO I feel the Marantz has an edge over the oppo. Although I am going on viewing experience and i am sure many out there know the components far more so than I.

Although in 2 years who is to say what will be out next and how many will be trading up. I have heard the new Arcam for $2500 will have a better picture than either of these units but that is an entirely different price range.