Speaker Longevity

Can someone give me some advice on how speakers wear? I have a 10 year old pair of Vienna Acoustic Beethoven's. I have never turned them up and l don't listen to rock, I basically listen to Solo vocal, Acoustic, Sacred Vocal, and Chamber. I have been running them through an all tube system by Quicksilver Audio, with a Vandersteen sub.. Do they degrade over time? Or, do speakers either work or not work?
Thanks, I would really appreciate some knowledgeable input.
Has the sound degraded? In what way!

If it has, the speakers may just be the messenger and the problem could be elsewhere (if there is one).

If sound has degraded, I'd suspect a tube or tubes in the other gear to be the most likely culprit. ?
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I am sure the speakers have degraded over 10 years, but the question is have your ears degraded even more during that period ?

I would quit worrying about it and enjoy the speakers. Popular wisdom (?) on the net has it that speakers can last up to 30 years without significant deterioration.