Fidelity Research 64s vs Jelco SA-750e

Currently I have a Jelco SA-750e (10 inch) arm on a Sota Star Sapphire with a Koetsu Rosewood Signature. This runs to an EAR 834p, Thor TA-1000 pre, Quicksilver v4 monos, and Verity Audio Parsifal Encores. The sound is very good now, but I wonder if I could decrease record/surface noise and increase bass and dynamics with a better tonearm.

Obviously the Fidelity Research 64s is better than the Jelco, but can anyone offer opinions about what kind of differences I might hear and the magnitude of difference, if I change the Jelco for the FR? Trying to decide if it is worth the extra $1300 or so to upgrade.

Thanks everyone!

Though I haven't had a stock 64S base, I'd agree with chakster that the stock 64fx base is really nice and solid. It's also very easy to dial in VTA with this base - not as easy as with a true VTA base, but easy enough unless you like to change VTA between records. 
This is great feedback! Exactly what I had hoped for. Karl_Desch, what a break for me that you have experience with both of these with a  Koetsu. Thanks so much.
I haven't made a move on tonearms yet, and instead changed phono stages from my ear 834P to a Joule OPS-1. I had Rich at Signature Sound upgrade caps to Jupiter Copper/wax and he also improved power supply. My God what a fantastic component! I cannot believe how organic, non-fatiguing and magical it sounds. Everything is a notch better in terms of convince people and instruments in real space. By the way, Rich was so great to work with. Super conscientious, careful and his work is beautiful. A+ for him!

So back to tonearms... Does anyone have an opinion about how much better the FR-64x or 64s might be than the Jelco 850? The 850 would be a drop-in replacement and no worries about weight with my aging Sota. I will either get the 850, or, if the FR arms are significantly better, wait and upgrade the table to a Nova or Cosmos and get an FR arm down the road a bit.

As I said above, the 850 is significantly better than the 750. Jelco now make a 10" 850M. The 850 is open and transparent. 

Yes I have no doubt, basednon your and others' comments, that the 850 would be a great upgrade. I am just wondering how much I would be missing by not going all the way to a FR arm. I kinda feel like I might get 80% of the benefit by going to the 850, in which case due to cost and hassle, the 850 would win.