Speaker With Least Room Interaction

What speaker has the least problem with the type of room up have in regard to bass boom.  In other words the least bit of room interaction. Rear bass port, front bass port, bottom bass port, sealed.

Well @samgar2, both Ivan and Duke are right. So, do you want the least amount of bass eigenmodes ("standing waves" at the frequencies related to the room dimensions) possible? If so, you want an OB/Dipole woofer/sub (which does not create modes in the side-to-side room dimension). Do you want as little as possible while still getting "thump"? Go with a swarm of sealed subs.
I believe it is the nature of the VA's to peak around 100hz, most speakers do in order to get a higher low fq -3db number. have you tried plugging the top port? then the bottom, then both? another solution is digital room correction. 
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