What do you drive and why?

Just got a 2019 Subaru Forester. Had a 2012 till someone decided to T-bone me on the drivers side. The car held up very well to the impact. Walked away even though the damage was such insurance called it a total loss. Safety was a main consideration in getting the new one, plus the AWD system, improved mileage and reliability of the brand. Had an older Honda CRV (2006) and almost bought another, great small SUV.
So what do you drive and why?
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I drove a BMW 525i from August, 1995, until October, 2018, when I had to part with the keys due to decreasing eyesight.  (No, no accidents or dinged fenders.)   It was a straight 6 cylinder, with a five-speed manual - - - the Old Fud's BMW!

My son now has it, and it probably will be good for another 200,000 miles. 

It was a wonderful car to drive, both in town and on the Interstates. And, I could shift down, redline it, and get out of trouble in an Interstate mess-up.  And, it could pass anything on  the road--- except a Police Car or State Trooper!  

It was probably the best 5-series that BMW has built. 
2015 Boxster S. My somewhat odd childhood goal was to own a Porsche, but I do not remember really why. It could have a little to do with ’Risky Business’. I ordered it from Autobahn in Ft. Worth; John Hamilton is an awesome salesman. It is the coolest thing I ever bought - a go-cart for an adult - and I will keep it as long as possible.
My  bicycle everyday to work. I found that putting your heart to work as an engine V8 it gives me more pleasure than any other vehicle I ever own. But I understand people love for nice cars.

I gave my last of 5 Alfas in a row to my mechanic 12 years ago and never looked back. I should have done much earlier after he advised me to have a big truck total it for me. I walk quite a bit maybe 3-4 miles a day, take cabs rather too often, and ride my All-City Macho Man when it’s nice out. Works for me.